Having a plan, even if it’s an imperfect one, is a great starting point for many business owners. Especially when it comes to the meta question of “how to run your business”.
In this episode I chat with Kevin McArdle from Sureswift Capital to talk through how he has implemented the EOS, Enrepreneurs Operating System, popularized by the Traction book by Gino Wickman.
We talk through why Kevin and the Sureswift Capital team decided to implement EOS, how they went about approaching this, and what EOS looks like in their remote, software first business.
Are you an original product creator or a copycat? The line is blurry sometimes and there are definitely advantages to both positions on this...
Today, Dave and Craig go through a few updates: vacations, new developers, input from customers, TinySeed, and funding “paychecks” versus lump sums. We also...