Let’s just “Do” social media. That’s what so many people are quick to say. But the trouble is, it’s so easy to flail around without any real purpose in mind or goals at the end of the road. As always, beginning with the end in mind is paramount when conducting any kind of social media campaign.
Today Craig is joined by founder of Super Spicy Media, Mojca Mars. Mojca is a social media consultant who has helped countless brands, like the good folks at Hubstaff, get purpose in and results from their social media efforts.
In the social media world there are really two different disciplines to talk about: growing your social media following, and running paid acquisition campaigns. Both are extremely powerful methods of marketing your business, and both have nearly unlimited options when it comes to tools, platforms, and methods to conquer these nebulous beasts.
Mojca provides an excellent framework for both: how to grow your social media following with those loyal followers who will actually convert into customers, and how to effectively run and scale paid acquisition campaigns so that your business not only gains trust in the eyes of your customers, but also increases sales.
If you’re looking to kickstart your social media efforts Mojca is always up for a chat. Whether it’s one of her analysis of your social media strategy, or just a quick email with a question she’s more than happy to help. You can find out more about her over at superspicymedia.com
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In this episode Craig and Dave talk through a few updates from our businesses. With the Covid-19 crisis beginning to settle down in some...