Have you ever been interested in a product or company but been scared off by their impractical website? Simple mistakes in user interface can cost a startup thousands in lost business from disgruntled customers. This week we chat with Jane Portman, UI/UX expert and creator of UI Breakfast, about what common UX mistakes to avoid and how SaaS founders can make the most of their web apps.
UX is so far away from creativity and design, it’s purely functional. @uibreakfast Share on XJane Portman began her career as a designer and creative director before becoming a UI/UX consultant. When she’s not recording podcasts or writing blogs for UI Breakfast, Jane is busy being a mom to her two sons.
Episode Highlights:
Jane’s Podcast – UI Breakfast
Jane’s free UI course – The 1-Hour UI Audit
Jane’s blog post on Data Tables & Tabs
Dave had the UI of his site audited by Jane. Check out her blog post on the process
Listen in to the UI Breakfast Podcast to hear Jane and guests discuss UI design
*Exclusive for Rogue Startup listeners! Get $20 off any UI Audit ebook package by entering the code ROGUESTARTUPS20 at checkout. *
While the Bacon Biz 2016 conference has come and gone, the website has videos of past talks!
Amy Hoy’s Sales Safari
Have a question for Jane or the Rogue Podcasting hosts? Email podcast@roguestartups.com
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