
July 26, 2023 00:10:08
Rogue Startups

Jul 26 2023 | 00:10:08


Show Notes

In the 8.5 years of Rogue Startups and the 280+ episodes, Dave Rodenbaugh has joined me (Craig) in chronicling our journey as founders and building our businesses.

In that time, Dave has grown 2 WordPress plugins, sold those businesses, acquired a SaaS business called Recapture, grown it to go full time and quit his consulting gig, and has evolved so much as a founder.

And at this point Dave would like to take a step back from the podcast. After 8.5 years and 280+ episodes, we’ve covered a lot of his journey, but it’s certainly not done yet.

Dave will no doubt be back on the podcast going forward, but in between those times, I’ll be the solo host of the show.

Going forward, about half of future episodes will be me sharing what I’m learning as a founder running and growing Castos. In addition, I’ll be having conversations with people who are doing interesting things in business who we can all learn from.

A huge personal thanks from me to Dave for joining me on this incredible journey thus far. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share this podcast with him to this point, and am really excited about the future of the podcast.

And I’d love to hear your feedback. Best places to reach out are on the Rogue Startups Youtube channel or hit me up on Twitter, where I’m @thecraighewitt


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hi there. Welcome back to this in-between episode of Rogue Startups. I'm your host, Craig Hewitt. Uh, wanted to drop this episode in between your normally scheduled episodes that come out every Thursday to, to let you know of a change coming up with the format and kind of the structure of the show. Uh, you know, I started this back in December 30th, <laugh>, uh, 2014, right? So eight and a half years ago, I started rogue Startups. I'll never forget, it was, uh, it was actually, I think New Year's Eve. I was, uh, I had a newborn baby <laugh>, right? Like two year old. I was like, I gotta get outta this rat race. I wanna do something different with my professional life. I was loving listening to, to podcasts, like, uh, smart Passive Income, uh, starts for the rest of us, all these. And I was like, I just, I want to get in the game somehow. Speaker 0 00:00:43 And so I started Rogue Startups, and originally it was just me doing interviews, uh, and I just wanted to be part of the conversation, be in this world with all these amazing people that I was hearing on these other shows, making money online and kind of live the dream as, as entrepreneurs. And along the way, my third episode was with Dave Augh and Dave, uh, and I talked January, 2015, so really just a few weeks later about how he was outsourcing development overseas. Um, you know, back then that was, that was amazing. And I'd never heard of people doing that successfully, and I wanted to, you know, pick his brain about it. Dave actually wrote a book about the topic that I had bought. Um, and so I had Dave on the podcast and we really hit it off, you know, it was like really good, really good synergy and really good kind of vibe and energy that we were, that we were putting off. Speaker 0 00:01:27 And as you know, from listening to this show for the last 280 <laugh> episodes, uh, Dave's been my co-host for up to episode 2 83, which came out just a few weeks ago, and it's been amazing, right? In that time, as you know, from listening, Dave went from owning two WordPress plugins to selling those, to acquiring a SaaS product called Recapture. So that does a bin and cart recovery and email automation for e-commerce to going full-time on recapture and quitting his consulting engagement. All sorts of wins along the way. And in this show, Dave and I have chronicled a lot of those wins for, for his business and for mine. And, and you've probably noticed that, you know, we've, we've been kind of slacking off on the podcast over the last, if I'm honest, year, year plus. Um, and I think it is because we just have a lot of stuff going on in our lives, right? Speaker 0 00:02:17 We have a lot going on in, in our personal lives, our work lives, uh, you know, arguably the economies in kind of a rough spot. Um, and, and I think, you know, Dave and I just kind of came to the realization that, that he was kind of tired of doing the podcast, and, and I think that's okay, you know, for anyone, um, engaged in a, in a creative endeavor like this, I mean, eight and a half years, it's okay, <laugh> right, to just say, cool, I've, I've said what I wanna say. Uh, it's been an amazing run. It's been an amazing body of creative work and journaling of, of, of journey over time. And, and that's kind of what Dave said to me is he's like, Hey, I just got a bunch of stuff going on over here. I can't commit to being on the show every week or every other week. Um, like we had, right? We even cut from every week to every other week, uh, Speaker 1 00:02:58 About a year and a half ago. And, and, and I think even then he was just like, Hey, it's just, it's just too much, right? And so Dave has taken a break from the podcast, um, and I'm gonna forge ahead, right? So Dave's Dave will, I'm sure we'll come back on. I wanna stay in touch with him and keep up with what's going on with him and his journey and recapture as he's growing it and, and, and his personal life and, and just what's going on and, and kind of how he's doing. It's super important to me. I know it's important to y'all as listeners. You've been with us for so long, and that's the amazing thing about a podcast is we've been doing this eight and a half years, and over time, you've, you've gotten to know me, you've gotten to know Dave and, and the things that are important to him and that he's really great at and, and all those kinds of things. Speaker 1 00:03:38 And so when we meet up at conferences or get togethers, you know, us, and, and I want, I want that to continue over time. Um, but going forward from here, uh, we're dropping an episode tomorrow. Uh, so Thursday's gonna be our regular publishing date going forward. Um, and to be honest, I'm not a hundred percent sure what the format's gonna be of this show. Um, I will be continuing as the host of Rogue Startups, um, and I'm super excited about it. You know, I got up outta bed the other day for the first time in a really long time thinking about the podcast and the things that I wanna do with it. Um, you know, I think when you do something for this long, you kind of need a reset like this. You need something to reinvigorate your passion and your energy for it. And, and this is that time for me. Speaker 1 00:04:21 Um, and I think this is that time for Dave too, and it's just in a different way. Um, and so I'm super excited about continuing this journey. Um, I'll, I'll share a few things that are gonna be really different, uh, that I'm, that I'm excited about, that I want everyone's feedback and, and comments on. And so I think the easiest place is just hit me up on Twitter. I'm the Craig Hewitt. Uh, as long as Twitter still is Twitter, I don't know if we call it X at this point. The, the rebranding was just last weekend. Um, so hit me up on Twitter with your, your comments and your feedback on this. I'd love to hear it. Um, but, uh, so, so one thing that'll be different is I'm shooting video for this and for every episode going forward, right? Video is a huge part of what I believe a good podcast strategy should entail, and that will have, uh, long form video and short video clips as YouTube shorts going forward. Speaker 1 00:05:05 Um, so, so that's a big part of it. Um, I gotta practice what I preach with our cast as production service. We're gonna have video, it's gonna be a video first podcast. So if you wanna watch me do videos, head over YouTube, check out Rogue Startups. Link will be in the description below to check out our YouTube channel and subscribe. So you get new episodes there. The other obvious one is I don't have a co-host anymore. And so, um, my plan right now for a format of episodes is gonna be, uh, about half me chronicling my journey, what I'm learning, uh, and things that I think are interesting that I want to pass along to you. Um, that, you know, this is a lot of the format that Dave and I had. We would just pick a topic and we would both talk about it. Speaker 1 00:05:42 Um, and it's just gonna be me talking like this going forward for about, I think about half the episodes. Um, I like that because the, there's a lot, I have to say, <laugh>, and, and if you follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn or, or my YouTube channel, you'll know that like I'm, I'm putting out a lot of content these days and, and it's important to me, um, mostly because like talking about the very origins of this podcast, I have learned so much from the people that were a few steps ahead of me in my journey, right? The Rob Wallings, that Josh Pigford, the Joel from Buffer, right? All these people who, um, who learned <laugh> and then shared what they learned so that we can have an easier, more profitable, more, more scalable journey in business. And, and, and I wanna do that too, right? Speaker 1 00:06:30 That's, that's kind of always been the mission of this. And, and that's continuing forward. Um, and the other reason I is just that I, I think there's a lot of interesting stuff and it's just, this is a great avenue to share long form kind of dialogue discussions about how I feel about business, and it's constantly evolving, right? So I'm never gonna run out of stuff to talk about, whether it's sales or SaaS or product I service or pricing or team and, you know, content, strategy, culture, um, the economy, Twitter, <laugh>, uh, you know, you, you gotta hand it to Elon. He's really a master at PR these days. Uh, for good or bad, I don't know. The other half of the episodes will be conversations with people that, that I find super interesting and, and I wanna just have a chat with. Um, so, so it probably will be kind of a rolling cast of the same say 15 people, uh, that, that I just hop on and, and have a chat with a lot like Dave and I did. Speaker 1 00:07:26 Hey, what's going on in your business? What are you working on these days? What, what are you struggling with? Um, and, and I gotta take my hat off to, um, the, the guys from Art of Product, um, you know, Ben and Derek, they did this when they would have guests on it, it wasn't like, Hey, we're gonna interview, blah, blah, blah. It was like, Hey, man, you know, welcome to the show. What's going on in your business? What are you working on? What are you struggling with? What can you share to help the listeners learn and, and kinda level up their game? And, and that's what I wanna do. I've recorded a couple already. They're amazing. They're coming out in the next couple weeks. One is dropping tomorrow with Colin Gray, um, from Ali two. I've known Colin for a long time. He's in the podcasting space. Speaker 1 00:07:59 Super cool story. And, and we talk through a lot of, I think, really interesting things and that I hope you will find interesting and helpful and inspiring. Um, so, so that's the plan going forward, right? You're, you're stuck with me. For better or worse, uh, rogue startups will co will go on eight and a half years, and we're not slowing down, we're ramping up. This is a good kind of reboot and restart for me with it, a little bit different format, uh, for how the episodes are going. Um, and, and I hope that you like it. I hope very much that you like it. I'm, I'm putting a lot of energy into this. Like I mentioned, we're shooting video, having a lot more kind of social media presence to help promote the show and get it out there in front of more folks so it can help more people. Um, but, but really the, the most important thing for me is I want to hear from you. <laugh>. Podcasting is such an amazing medium, and it's unlocked like everything in my professional life so far, right? Like, quitting my job, moving to France, raising money, having a team, you know, having my business be full-time and Speaker 2 00:08:54 Supporting me and my family and, and hopefully building some wealth over time. Um, it's all been unlocked because of this show and because of podcasting. Um, and one of the drawbacks of podcasting is it's kind of a one-way medium right now, right? I talk, y'all listen. Uh, but, but let's fix that. And, and I want to hear from you. Um, I do think the easiest place to do that is either leave a comment on the YouTube channel or hit me up on Twitter, and let's start a discussion there. So, um, have links below in the show notes for this episode, for the channel for Rogue Startups on YouTube, and my handle on Twitter. So I'm the Craig Hewitt on Twitter, and we'd just love to hear from you. So let's start a discussion. Let's keep things going. I wanna know how I can help you in this podcast and kind of this new reboot era of rogue startups. Speaker 2 00:09:39 Uh, I'm super passionate about kind of where this is and where it's going, and I just wanna hear from you. I wanna know what I can do to help your journey as a founder, an entrepreneur, and a builder better, more profitable, and more scalable. Alright, we're gonna drop a regular episode next week. I hope that, um, this news is good for you. This news is good for me. I'm super happy for Dave. I think he's in a, in a really good spot. Um, and I'm excited for the future of, of rogue startups, and I can't wait to join you on future episodes.

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