RS025: Updates, Digesting The Past 3 Interviews, and What Startup Culture Means

August 03, 2015 00:37:36
RS025:  Updates, Digesting The Past 3 Interviews, and What Startup Culture Means
Rogue Startups
RS025: Updates, Digesting The Past 3 Interviews, and What Startup Culture Means

Aug 03 2015 | 00:37:36


Show Notes

Today Dave and I catch up after the previous 3 weeks of guest interviews.  There is a lot to digest and ask ourselves how we can implement these things in our businesses.  There’s no sense in listening to these shows and taking people’s advice if you don’t put them to use in your businesses.  Today Dave and I are excited to catch up about our businesses and what we learned from the last few episodes and how we’ll be implementing them in our businesses.

Dave has encountered a few road bumps in the final development of SupportVine.  As the development of this is being entirely outsourced, managing those developers is proving to take a large portion of Dave’s focus.  On the marketing side he has been doing a lot of customer development and is quickly realizing how he needs to focus his messaging around support into very specific areas, and may require a small pivot in order to achieve Product/Market fit.

Craig is still seeing PodcastMotor grow, and along with that he is growing the team and continuing to build the infrastructure of the business to support the increased workload.  The big news of the week is that PodcastMotor has just signed on their first funded startup as a customer.  It’s going to be a really great show when it goes live, and it’s really exciting to get to play in this space.  Always keen to stay ahead of the workload curve, Craig is dedicating the vast majority of his time to bringing on team members, building in technology and processes to make the production process as smooth as possible.

Both Dave and Craig are keen to go to Rhodium Weekend, Chris Yates’ conference in October.  If you’re planning to make the trip out to Vegas let us know.  We’d love to have a Rogue Startups get together there.

Enjoy the show this week? Leave us a five-star review on iTunes and tell us why you love our podcast. If not, send us feedback via Twitter  @RogueStartups  or leave us an email at We look forward to hearing from you.

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