This week Dave and I sit down for a chat about building the Assets and minimizing the Liabilities in your business. As with regular business, in the bootstrapped entrepreneurial space Assets are things that give you either more time or more money. Conversely, Liabilities are things that consume unproductive time in your day or cost money that does not contribute back to your business.
The key in optimizing your business is make strategic choices that will maximize your business assets and minimize your liabilities.
A good MicroConf talk on this was given by Ted Pitts on this and the subject that seems to be missing from the startup conversation: Profit Margin. In Ted’s talk he pointed out a few key points on the subject of assets and liabilities:
Here are a few key resources mentioned in the show today:
Also, check out the sidebar (hey, look to the right!) and leave us a voicemail. We’ll play it live on the show next week. Look forward to hearing from you.
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second rc5 episode
Today, Craig chats with Farzad Rashidi about outreach, marketing, partner recruitment, and what Responda can do for your business. Farzad also talks about how...
In this episode, Craig and Dave break down MicroConf, how to decide which conferences to attend, and how to implement new marketing tactics, among...